- Myriad starry white flowers carpet this climber's vines in spring, giving off an intoxicatingly sweet fragrance
- Expect to see the stellate flowers between March and April
- This plant retains its attractive, shiny foliage throughout the year, so if you've got a dreary vertical surface you want to hide - we're looking at you, tired old fence - then 'Snowdrift' is a fantastic option
- A highly vigorous, evergreen climber which is delightfully easy to grow and look after
- This clematis can be prone to damage from frost so position in a sunny, sheltered spot
- Pruning group 1 - an early flowering clematis requiring little to no routine pruning
- Please Note: Our climbers are pruned back each winter, and some during the summer, so you may find at certain times of year they do not cover the whole 90cm cane. This is intentional to ensure the best growth when you plant out